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160531 UCSC

System opened at 0530 and turned off at 0830 (same as on 5/30/16).  No sample present in spite of heavy drip and thick fog at my house, which is about 400′ lower in elevation.  Odd.  System triggering normally.  System cleaned and blank taken and acidified.

160530 UCSC

Treated to about 50 mL of very clear fog water, collected at 9:00, clouds beginning to clear.   Taken home and refrigerated within 1 hour and acidified in the lab the next day 5/31/16.

160511 UCSC

Big fog day at UCSC

250 mL (full bottle overflowing) collected of fog water at 7:45 am

new bottle put on and collected another 100 mL at 2 pm

purged all 250 mL onto one trap in 3 100 mL purgings and there was no DMHg peak.

split into dark incubation samples and acidified another aliquot of both -1 overnight and -2 daytime samples

Also sampled and detected DMHg in SC Munic wastewater treatment digester #1 gas.  More details to come.

160509 UCSC

Dan and Peter set up the Schemenauer passive collector with a tipping bucket rain gauge (and the optical sensor for the active collector triggering.

MIT and German mesh collectors taken down

Active system acid cleaned and ready to go


160505 UCSC

collector did not turn on despite rainy conditions due to bug in program that prevents it from triggering after “active fog pi” is selected.

Rinsed out collector with DI.  Acid cleaning occurred 4/29

Also can’t connect with ethernet cable

UCSC 160503

Active collector set up on greenhouse roof.  Strands and active components were acid cleaned using 10% acid stored in greenhouse lab and using a small soaking container for the parts.

The system triggered overnight but was off when I arrived at 10:45 am this morning.  RH seemed to be reading accurately at ~65%.   There was no sample and no wetness in the collector.

No tipping bucket is connected to the MIT mesh collector, only the optical rain sensor.